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August 2007

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« The Perfect Night | Main | I'm Going to be in the Guiness Book of World Records »



thank you for blogging this...for blogging the not-so-easy things...for blogging the truth.


A while ago you and I traded some e-mails about this topic, and you offered to pray for me. Those prayers were powerful in my life, and I'm praying for you, too. Thanks for posting again, and for being real.


perfectly said....i really miss you.

Pat Callahan

Great post - I have lived on both sides. The side of integrity, confession, and authenticity is so much better. I cannot bear the weight of my sin - so hiding it from everyone (and thinking I am hiding it from God) is the stupidest thing I can do. It rots my soul.

I have been at that place and wish no longer to return.


Thanks for posting this. I enjoy times like these; learning from you, relating with you, and being real to myself. Thanks for being Church for so many of us. Our families prayers always include you and the family.

anne jackson



so true.


Now THAT'S church. Claude would encourage us to stop for a moment and take up an offering! :)

Seriously, I like doing life together....learning, laughing, living....being real with one another and with God is a good thing.

Mark Jaffrey

Hey Justin,
I'd love to be in touch - can you drop me an email as I don't have a current email address for you.
Feeling it with you bro.


Yup. This is so right on. I think that I need to find that book.


Welcome back. Wherever you have been, it seems like it has been a good place. Hope you keep realizing how bad the church is playing these days and keep helping us fix it.
Man that post was right on.

Christina Hurt



Right on the money. I can't wait to get my hands on that book. Thanks Justin. That is the truth everywhere...even in Arkansas!!!!

Jesus loves me

Hi Justin - those words hit home. Keep preachin' it!

Wherever you are, praying for you & your family.

I think the church has pulled together since you've been gone, but it was sure great when you were there. You are missed by many. Take care.


Hear, hear. You said it brother! Peace.

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