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August 2007

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« New Myspace | Main | Pour it out »


Mark Jaffrey

Good to have you back in blog land. Missed you!

More pics please!! Need to know how's the album shaping up?

Courtney's good to hear from you again. SO GOOD!

Rich Kirkpatrick

I like it!

Crystal Renaud

well that's different (i like it). :)

Jon Griffin

Nice to know....

You are slowly moving to the dark side with the Shaved Head Posse....soon, your training will be complete and you will join us with the Head-Blade.


looks great bro! came close to doing the same thing 3 weeks ago. Since then, you are the sencond person that has stepped it up! Great to see you blogging again. I've got a cigar for you next time you are around the OC.


Very nice! I came this close (_) to doing the same thing 3 weeks ago. You are the second person to step it up! I've got a great cigar for you next time you are in the OC.

anne jackson

i am also thinking of shaving my head. you have inspired me.

Warren Fry

Hey Butch!
Can't wait to rub that noggin.

Jamie Bell

It looks good. I'm glad I can be an influence on you. The best thing about shaving your head is you can do it yourself so it's free!!!Welcome to the club. Glad you guys are back!!

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