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August 2007

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« I'm Praying For You | Main | Day One Of Skiing »


Crystal Renaud

did you keep spencer in doors during the winter when you lived here? and wasn't harrison around during winter?

anyway - i absolutely love to ski. being from Minnesota - that's all i did when i was little up there.


Crystal - Spencer was 2 1/2 and doesn't remember snow and Harrison was 18 months. He doesn't remember snow either. :)

Julie Hibbard

Saw you at Coast Hills on Christmas Eve. Thanks for the GREAT worship. If anyone ever makes a movie of your life, Rob Lowe should play you...
You look EXACTLY like him!
Have a fun week in the snow...
(Allison's mom)

Crystal Renaud

ah. i was just teasing you.

Thomas Rye

Hey Justin - I have 3 things... oh just became 4.

1) (The one that just got added) I love MuteMath. Glad that they made it onto your iPod.

2) Hope that the skiing is/was great! I was going to go a couple weeks ago, but it fell through. I hope to go maybe in Feb though. Gotta love it!

3 & 4 Are related, but here they are:

3) I was at a pot luck we had at Kenpo last week and I was talking with some people. I'll leave their names out for reasons you'll discover. Anyways, I walk up in the middle of a conversation and hear a few women talking about some guy that walked out of the changing room w/o his shirt on and they were in the middle of class and all of them just stopped and watched this guy. So we all laugh and I say, "Who was this? Mr...?" "Mr Adams." They say. So I'm like... "Hmm... you mean Justin Adams?" "Ya, that's it. Oh my gosh do you know him!?" Anyways, it was a funny moment. You're still being talked about around Kenpo. Oh ya, and they wanted me to see if I could get a Front and Back view photo/poster of a shirtless 'Mr. Adams'. I told them that I already have one, but they can't have it. ha ha ha.

4) Speaking of Kenpo, I test for my black belt in June. You should brush up on all your stuff and come down to Albuquerque and test with me!


i'd be more sad about you guys being gone, but sunday spencer said he'd miss me and that made me so happy it will probably last me the rest of the week. come home soon, though, just in case.


ha ha. and that's a pretty good story you have there, thomas rye.

Crystal Renaud

eww thomas.

denice richards

do you were boxers or briefs?

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