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August 2007

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Rich Kirkpatrick


Mark Jaffrey

Well they must be good prayers you're praying, because they worked. Maybe it's that good God you're praying to.

Two services tonight, pretty traditional carols and lessons working up to turning off all the lights and everyone lighting their candles from the central "Jesus candle". Amazing to see over 800 individual candles stretching back out of the tent and into the darkness beyond. "You are the light of the world". Cool.

Mark Jaffrey

Well they must be good prayers you're praying, because they worked. Maybe it's that good God you're praying to.

Two services tonight, pretty traditional carols and lessons working up to turning off all the lights and everyone lighting their candles from the central "Jesus candle". Amazing to see over 800 individual candles stretching back out of the tent and into the darkness beyond. "You are the light of the world". Cool.


Praying for you guys!! Have a GREAT Christmas!!!! ...and may all your services be bright!!!



The day is almost done (one more to go here at Westside). The prayers have been continuous. It's been a wonderful Christmas Eve.
Everyone have a relaxing and joyous Christmas!


thanks for making christmas eve such a good day for me. love you much much much.

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