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August 2007

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« We Are Going Skiing!! | Main | Re-Entry »



I the spirit of Christmas and giving... I thought you might like to see a video that was found in the ol' archives. Merry (belated) Christmas and have a blast skiing!


"Quite" breathtaking, I'm sure!

MJ, the video is great, though it does remind me of a certain knee injury, followed by a knee surgery, followed by a certain caregiver tripping over said knee. It's still a moment of horror I can't seem to erase.

Just got back today (Saturday) from Georgia. We weren't skiing, but when I think about what we were doing, or more specifically, what David was doing three weeks ago, our little walks down the driveway felt like successfully conquering a good double-blue. Love to all! Tell my little boyfriends how cute they look in their ski gear.

Crystal Renaud

whoa whoa... a knee injury due to too much gospel? dare you say... surely not.

Crystal Renaud

i don't think i knew that.


wow...brenda, are you going to send this one around, too? because i think you should.


Day two?

Crystal Renaud

can you change your blogroll for me to ?


jenny mclovely

has anyone ever mistaken you for brad pitt you are a babe........


I kind of miss hanging out with all of you. Hi MaryBeth.

piroska (mattie novak) vajtay

Dear Debbie!
I really, really hope this is you!
I have been looking for you for about 6 years now!!
I had a dream last night that lead me to this website - If this is you, please, please email me asap. I have been thinking about you so much, and wondering how you and your family are doing.-big hugs to You and Dave! Lets catch up.-still in NJ.


Where is my pick?


i think maybe the coast is clear.

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