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August 2007

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« Blast from the Past | Main | I'm Still Here »



the best part was right before you came in...they were SO EXCITED for you to come home, they were running around screaming "he's coming! he's coming!" like they couldn't stand the wait. MB and i couldn't stop smiling.

yeah...that's a memory i'll hold on to for a while.

Joly they sell those in my size? Maybe with guitars on them? Or cowboys and indians? Star Wars perhaps?


Is it my imagination, or do they grow more precious every day?


so precious...

i miss you all beyond what you know...


awww. I second Lauren I miss you guys so much...I had Meagans P.J's on last night ;) hhaaa.

kin folks

children and grandkids make the world go 'round....Hey, MB send that picture, please...

Hugs and kisses to all of you


Kinda makes all that "important" "busy" "stuff" we fill our days up with seem sorta silly, don't it?

You are blessed indeed.


darin bell

Your a blessed man Justin. My family misses you at Saddleback.

jack squat

do you ever get sick when your playing on stage that you think you might throw up or crap your pants

The One Who Wears the Tie

And all of you were "A Sight for Sore Eyes" for me as well. Thanks for letting me get to see you and your family this week. It's just what the doctor had ordered for me. Love ya Bud.


So beautiful.


We miss you guys ! Jacob said to tell Spencer hello!

lance bass

can you make a guitar burst into fire when you play? keep rockin in the free world my soul brother you are a great treasure to the entire world...................

Imah  Hawg

when you get up in the morning do you almost faint at the sight of your handsom face and lovely body it must be hard being that talented and so good looking. your # 1 fan in the whole wide world


blah blah blah, yeah so you love your family and your church, so what? How 'bout your BLOG family? Do you love us? Apparently not, since you haven't posted in like a million years. We're dying over here.

If it isn't abundantly (and yes today is "Ten-dollar-word day", two for one special) clear yet, we all live vicariously through your amazingly blessed life.

Have an awesome Thanksgiving with the fam, while we sit at home alone and watch videos about people like you... Ok, so it's not quite that bad... but I had ya goin' for a second though, huh?!?!

Good times, lovin' ya


bertha lovinjustin

you know i have been thinking that you look alot like clay aiken what do you think?

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