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August 2007

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« I Have the Greatest Friends in the World | Main | Another Video from Our Weekend Services »



wow! that's amazing!! where did you find that?! you must have really incredible people in your life who share the cool things they find with you! REALLY INCREDIBLE people.


Pursuing Yahweh

There's a small tear in my right eye as I am taken back to a time more simple - a time when doritos and coke surrounded me in my blissful state of a young couch potatoe playing video games - wait, that was yesterday! :)


Finally you reveal our Christmas program. Man, talk about keeping us in suspense. I love it.

What really scares me though, is the ones not singing (or jumping about like loons), who are litterally jamming out behind them like this is the grooviest thing they've ever heard. WOW.

My only reservation, if I may, is they could have gone with a few more microphones. But who am I to criticize, I surf "youtube" for a living!!!

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