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August 2007

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anne jackson

noooooo!!!!!!! no no no!!! that is so not cool. that was one of the reasons i loved cali. oh, that is there aren't enough starbucks?!!! urhhhh!!!!


this is most assuredly a sign of the second coming.

Rich Kirkpatrick

Oh the pain...tears shed

Starbucks has nothing on Peets, of course, either. Peets has better coffee AND espresso. If they buy that one, too, then trumpets indeed are sounding


I want to open my own coffee shop. I'd serve only the very best coffee....and pie. There aren't enough places around that serve homemade pie. And CHEESECAKE!! There must always be cheesecake. Coffee, pie, and cheesecake. I'll let everyone know when I'm open for business.

the wife

Debra, are you open for business yet? about now? about now?


Your mom drinks coffee.

Account Deleted

This is very sad. The one on Lake Forrest and Muirlands holds a very special place in my heart. :( :(


Yeah well...I have never heard of the big "d" you speak of, but I do know that if anyone touches PEETS, I will reek major havek on the US as we know it! PEETS has incredible espresso AND coffee. There will be blood spilt! Mark my words! I agree with lola...Christ is coming back!


Okay so I hadnt even read Rich's comment until after I posted mine. It is confirmation!!!! Rich, you and I are friends forever! Peets to the end!


More on the demise of the Diedrich company owned stores can be found here:

All views are more than welcome. Diedrich also owns the Gloria Jean's and Coffee People brands.

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