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August 2007

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It's sunburn pain that you can be happy about. Congratulations!! Send me photos as soon as you can.


four years...i guess we can wait four more days. :(


Good luck!!! Very cool symbolism, did you double check that it actually says that and not something about being a slave to chocolate or something equally strange?? Just kidding, can't wait to see it!

anne jackson

they dont hurt that bad.


(i think God's will is for you to have a really sweet tattoo.)

Rich Kirkpatrick

cool...I am chicken


As I am writing this you are in pain and you arm is probably covered in ointment. I am excited for you! I bet it looks amazing! :)

Crystal Renaud


i love mine... it took 3 years to decide and contemplate. no regrets. none.

it's about time.


I looked it up at His new tattoo doesn't really mean "bondslave" per se... It more closely translates to "fashionista"

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