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August 2007

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Yup, he along with your other 9 kids are so great! I love that picture! So I finally did it. I made the leap to a real blog that is actually user friendly. So please change your link for me...K? So because I am a pimp, I'm not ashamed,
okay thanks. P.S. you do rock. A LOT.

Anne Jackson



That's right, I said pimp.


ok, but that's what rockstars do. they play and sing and yell "C'MON".

Warren Fry

Spencer, you are cool dude! Justin, you need to get back to Kansas and eat BBQ and GET DIRTY!

Pat Callahan

That is freakin' HILARIOUS! it is the same thing my kids say to me!

Hey J, I'll be down in your neck in a couple of weeks for the PDW conference. Let's hook up.


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