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August 2007

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« I'm Back in the Saddle....back...Again | Main | Feed Me and Burn Me! »


Steve Kennedy

The new banner looks great! Personally, I'd make the text in kind of a brushed steel color with a little bevel to it, but that's just me. I can fix you up with that over a cup of coffee sometime, just get in touch.


You know what I really like? Christina the right hand corner. Yeah! Okay so now I am so jealous that you were hangen out with Los...he's my new friend and seriously...But no, I'm not bitter. But in other is the recording coming along?


My latin 1/2 is wanting to be in that!

Anne Jackson

whatever - I saw it :) and the whole communications office at lake pointe saw it too when you guys sent that over....sorry it had to get to that....i didn't mean to make you jealous sharing los's lust for my husband... :D


You got some booty from Los, but I got to cuddle up and sleep with him at the PDWC. I know you're jealous. Bummed i didn't get to meet you. maybe at re:create this next year.


Justin. You did great! We miss you so much at Saddleback!! It was great to see you up on stage again. I miss rocking out with ya!!

Tina (cello)

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