Hey everybody, I am changing my RSS feed. So for all you RSS readers out there, it is time to change your RSS code. I have switched my feed to FeedBurner in order to take EVERYONE with me at one time. So, you need to delete my old feed and grab the new feed over to the left under "Feed Me". Or just paste this into your RSS Reader...
Whatever RSS reader you use. Net News wire, Firefox, IE, anything. The above feed will work. Thanks, and let me know that you did it!
done and done.
Posted by: Crystal Renaud | June 30, 2006 at 03:56 PM
What's a feedburner?
Posted by: THS | June 30, 2006 at 07:08 PM
Are you ever going to take that guy singing off of this blog? Why don't you record you singing the National Anthem? I think we all would rather hear you then that other guy...Every time I come here; I have to hurry up and leave a comment so I don't have to hear him sing for very long. Dang.
Posted by: kristiapplesauce | July 01, 2006 at 03:12 PM
Oh yeah, I think that you should rent a cop outfit and video feed it to us as well. Yup...that's what you should do! Can't wait to see/hear it!
Posted by: kristiapplesauce | July 01, 2006 at 03:21 PM