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August 2007

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LOL...I love it.


Hahaha...I feel that. Mrs. Steadyrock and I just found out we're expecting our fourth child as well, which will put us in the "decade of diapers" club by the time we're through.

How's Coast Hills? You're seriously missed at Saddleback. A pastor friend of mine was in town from Kenya for his second PD conference, and when I asked him if he was liking it he said "Yes, very much. Except where is the spiky-haired rock and roll man from last year?" You're huge in Kenya.


Two words: powder fart.

It just doesn't get much more funny than that.


The kid with the hose had the right idea. Just hose 'em down.


That is hilarious. Hey Justin, so back in Feb. when we were at Recreate maybe we should have scheduled a double date then because leaving it up to you and carlos has turned up void. I still would love to meet your wife and see you before next Feb. What do you say? Heather Whittaker

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